buildcjkdb — Build database

buildcjkdb builds the database for the cjklib library. Example: buildcjkdb build allAvail.

Builders can be given specific options with format --BuilderName-option or --TableName-option, e.g. --Unihan-wideBuild=yes.



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-r, --rebuild

build tables even if they already exist

-d, --keepDepending

don’t rebuild build-depends tables that are not given

-p BUILDER, --prefer=BUILDER

builder preferred where several provide the same table

-q, --quiet

don’t print anything on stdout


database url


attachable databases


register own Unicode functions if no ICU support available


ignore settings from cjklib.conf

Global builder options


path to data files


insert entries one at a time (for debugging)


ignore missing Unihan column and build empty table


include characters outside the Unicode BMP


limit keys of Unihan table


collation for dictionary entries


enable SQLite full text search (FTS3)


file path including file name, overrides searching


file extension, overrides file type guessing


use collations for dictionary entries

Project Versions

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